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Alfa Spid rotator adaptors allow for simplified tower mounting of the Alfa Spid Big RAK, RAK, and RAU rotators.   Bolt patterns for both Yaesu and HyGain.  Base is 6” square and tube is 5.5” tall.  Entire unit is precision MIG welded and hot dip galvanized for superior corrosion and weather protection.  User provides hardware.

Adaptor plate for RAK and Big RAK (large).  Tube is 2.375” dia., 6” tall

Adaptor plate for RAK and Big RAK (large). Tube is 2.375’ dia., 9” tall

Adaptor plate for RAU (small)  tube is 1.9” dia., 6” tall

Adaptor plate for RAU (small)  tube is 1.9” dia., 9” tall





Adaptor mounts inside base of rotator, secured with the bolts built into rotator.

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AlfaSpid Flat Plate Adaptors

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