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Don’t forget the hoisting rope to get the wire antenna up there!  Visit our rope page for suitable rope.

User Reviews:  What are other hams saying about these products?

                    ANCHOR STAKE

Additional swivel eye pulley with 1/4” zinc quick link.

Price:  $5.45

User Reviews:  What are other hams saying about these products?
Made on a Mac

304 Stainless steel pulley with 1/4” stainless steel quick link.

Price:  $21.95


NEW! Use our anchor stakes with vertical antennas, masts, or light duty antenna structures.  Perfect for soft soil conditions where ordinary stakes (wood stakes, 2x2’s, rebar, concrete form stakes, etc.) too easily pull out.  Made from cold rolled steel and featuring a wide spade MIG welded to the shaft for increased surface area, which translates to increased holding capacity.  30” long.  Top of product is powdercoated with florescent orange paint for easy locating and to avoid tripping. 

                               NOT TO BE USED AS A PERMANENT TOWER ANCHOR!

                                NOT TO BE USED ON ANY STRUCTURE THAT IS CLIMBED!


Anchor stake

Nite Ize® CamJam cord tensioner

Wire antenna center insulators